Monday, September 9, 2019

Designing Destruction

When I scrolled to the bicycle sign I found myself looking back at it several times to determine what exactly felt so off. Finally I squinted my eyes and saw it: a massive, bold, capitalized "D". It is strange how such a small thing can ruin something as simple as a road sign. Even stranger still is the fact that most humans who look at that picture will know there is a problem, and yet the people who were trained in design and paid for the job somehow didn't see it. It makes me think that something must have gone wrong in the process, maybe not that it was just a bad design. Prototypes and drafts exist for a reason and rarely make the final cut for any product. Perhaps what was produced was just an initial draft, never meant for production but pushed ahead anyway by some executive meeting a deadline.

P.S. I didn't even remember the old UPS logo until I looked up a comparison. And I have to say I prefer the new logo.

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