Thursday, November 21, 2019

Peer Critique: Rubber Ducking

Gabe's poster is intriguing and gives me the feeling of a dramatic and introspective style film like Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, probably also in part due to the overhead perspective. His face is looking away from us into the sky above with a blank yet intense expression. Floating in a vast body of water with arms and legs stretched out is a careless and vulnerable place to be and I get the impression that the film will begin with a sort of depressed/down energy and quickly jump into action.

The positioning of the rubber ducks -- not necessarily clinging to him but in close proximity -- establishes a visual boundary between Gabe and the presumed vastness of the body of water he is floating in, and I appreciate the subtle variations in the ducks themselves so as not to be too repetitive. The "depth" effect of the water rising up around the outside of his arms and legs and sides is also really effective.

The only thing I would criticize is the font. It does go with the rubber ducks but I don't think it matches the energy of the scene and makes me second guess my idea of what the movie is about.

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